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Eyes-on-Screen Attention is a 4x Better Predictor of Store Visits than Ad Exposure for QSRs

Written by Jonathan Kriner, Director, Marketing | Mar 26, 2018 4:29:22 PM

Viewer Wear-Out from Over-Exposure also Identified

A recent collaboration between TVision Insights and Sense360, an insights and intelligence provider, showed that brands that capture more viewer attention with their TV commercials see a rise in store visits. This predictive impact correlates more strongly than frequency of exposure to the ad.

The study revealed that attention to TV ads was more predictive than exposure to TV ads — up to four times more predictive, in the case of a particular KFC campaign.


Is there a link between increased viewer attention to TV ads and increased store visits? To find out, TVision Insights recently combined its proprietary technology for measuring eyes-on-screen attention during television ads with Sense360’s analysis of observed customer visits at Quick Service Restaurants (QSRs).


TVision Insights and Sense360 worked together to map viewer attention to the outcome of a store visit. TVision Insights’ passive, always-on technology captures the second-by-second data on who is in the room, what they are watching, and whether or not they are paying attention. Viewing data is captured across cable, satellite, over-the-top (OTT) and over-the-air distribution.

Using their SDK to anonymously gather users' location, activity and context, Sense360 captured the number of store visits in each DMA to map out a comprehensive path to purchase. The two data sets were used to marry viewer data with activity within a 2-day period.

The implications of the study are significant. It is no longer enough for brands to buy television advertising based on the size and demographics of the viewing audience. They need to use new evaluation techniques, including attention, to determine campaign impact and ROAS.

Attentive Impressions for TV ads were 4 times more predictive of KFC store visits than non-attentive impressions.

The collaboration between TVision Insights and Sense360 revealed a statistically significant relationship between ads that scored high for Attentive Impressions.

There was a measurable “wear-out” effect.

TVision Insights and Sense360 documented a “wear-out” effect among Attentive Impressions, with predictive value increasing initially and then diminishing after repeated exposures.


Attention is a proven metric for driving outcomes, that is more effective than measuring exposures alone. Brands must optimize frequencies based on attention to drive better impact and return on ad spend.

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