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How Claritin-D Commercial Attention Varies By Age Group

Written by Jonathan Kriner, Director, Marketing | Sep 21, 2018 2:43:46 PM

If you are targeting a specific audience, knowing if your message is resonating is key to measuring success. The insights can pay dividends in understanding your target audiences and crafting successful future campaigns. While TVision can look into a variety of demographic and behavioral segments, age group data can be an especially valuable starting point for categorizing audience attention insights.

How can you understand how TV attention varies by age group? Let’s see how viewers paid attention to Claritin-D’s “Bubbles” in Q2.

The 30-second version of Claritin-D's "Bubbles"

Tracking viewer attention second-by-second, we saw that the overall content of “Bubbles” most engaged audiences ages 18 to 34. Children and teenage viewers (e.g., those younger than 18) paid less attention overall, likely due to purchase decisions lying with older consumers.

However, Claritin-D’s use of sound in “Bubbles” was an attention-grabber across all age groups. In the above chart, note the viewer attention lift around the :05-:07-second mark, when an audible pop is heard. Another attention spike happens at the :11-second mark, when an audible chime is played.

With an understanding of what grabs the attention of specific audience categories (like age group), you can incorporate similar successful elements into future campaigns—and captivate your customers.

Want to learn more about TVision Insights AI data? Download our Q2 2018 Eyes-on-Screen TV Attention™ Report.