Resources | Viewability Has Come to TV | TVision

TVision Methodology Overview

Written by TVision | Mar 10, 2021 8:33:30 PM

TVision measures and reports on television viewability and attention in the USA and several international markets.  Behavioral viewing data - what people are watching, who is in the room, as well as if and when they are paying attention - is collected from an opt-in, privacy safe panel.  TVision uses cutting edge technology to measure person-level movements, and interprets the audio from the television to determine what content is being shown.


TVision recruits households from across the country. Six household characteristics and five individual characteristics are used to ensure panelists in the Northeast, South, Midwest, and West proportionately represent their market areas.  These characteristics are used to project television activity and viewing behavior for the total US population. TVision uses the US Census and annual updates from the American Community Survey (ACS) to define population universe estimates (UEs) for each characteristic. In order to properly project television activity and viewing, TVision applies a daily weighting methodology, so both single-day and multi-day projections remain consistent and representative.


In panel homes, TVision monitors television sets and individuals near the television sets second-by-second to determine:

  • Presence - the amount of time that a viewer is in the room during a piece of content.
  • Attention - The amount of time that a viewer is looking at the TV screen during a piece of content.

Panelists set up the device near the TV to pick up its audio signals. The microphone array on the device collects audio fingerprints that help to identify the content that is playing through the TV.  These fingerprints are compared with program and ad databases, and logged as such. This data is centrally maintained in TVision’s event data storage.

Individual viewing behavior is monitored with optical sensors in panel homes. The sensor signals are processed to identify the specific individuals who are in the room while the TV is on. It also captures when individuals are looking at the TV (attention). This viewing and attention  data is centrally maintained in TVision's event data storage. Viewing data is matched to content data to obtain the final metrics. No video streams are stored on the device or transmitted back to TVision.


TVision evaluates the quality of data from every panel household every day. Households where the monitoring equipment and software are functioning properly within defined fault tolerances are qualified and included in the daily InTab. Households that fail to meet fault tolerance thresholds for specific days are not included in that day’s InTab.


TVision’s in-home panel is 100% opt-in and privacy-safe. TVision policy prohibits any audio and images from leaving the home once a household is InTab. If equipment is removed from a home for any reason, any personal data is deleted.

For more detailed information about TVision's methodology, please contact us