TVision Helps The Weather Channel and Its Advertisers Value Programming

The Weather Channel is one of America's go-to resources for all things weather-related. Whether you tune in to check the daily forecast, in preparation for a storm, or to catch other high-quality, informative programming, chances are good that you've spent some time with the channel. 

Though well regarded as a premier news source, like all media outlets, The Weather Channel faces competition as it jockeys for ad dollars.

To help differentiate and appropriately value its ad inventory, media sellers at The Weather Channel tapped into TVision's attention and engagement data. The objective of this partnership was to better understand how The Weather Channel's content engages viewers compared to other lifestyle and news channels. The findings have helped The Weather Channel effectively position its ad inventory.

Viewers 18+ pay more attention to both The Weather Channel’s program and commercial time than they do to other Lifestyle and News outlets​


The below chart uses TVision's Attention Index, which measures how people pay attention to programming and ads, to compare viewer attention for The Weather Channel and competitive Lifestyle and News channels (June 2020 to May 2021).   The data shows that in high-value primetime and weekend dayparts, viewers paid more attention to The Weather Channel than they did to other competitive media channels.

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TVision's Attention Index Shows That The Weather Channel's Viewers Pay Significantly More Attention During the Early Morning Daypart


​Across the industry it can be a challenge to capture attention in the early morning, as many people turn on the TV while going about their morning routines. At The Weather Channel, Early Morning is the most attentive daypart. This is due in part to the nature of the content - paying attention helps viewers prepare appropriately for the day.

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Notably, TVision's analysis also suggests that The Weather Channel's audience behavior is not driven solely by major weather events, as many would think. In​​ fact, while viewers are likely to spend more time with The Weather Channel during major weather occurrences, ”regular” weather dates capture audience attention equal to or greater than extreme weather dates.

Armed with this data, The Weather Channel and media buyers ​have been able to create more informed advertising campaigns. By optimizing for highly engaged audiences, advertisers get more value from their investments, and The Weather Channel is able to appropriately price its highest-value inventory. 

To learn more about TVision's attention data, please reach out. 


CTV Advertising Report